I'm a Chicana Tejana who my entire life have been told: (1) that I think too much, (2) that I'm a "loca," and (3) that I'd be a lot prettier if I "smiled more." In other words, I am the proverbial "angry brown woman" you've come to love and/or fear. You're welcome, world...
I was born and raised in San Antonio, Tejas, have a Ph.D. in Latina/o Literature, am a roller derby vet and am one dog away from officially being an animal hoarder...damn these Westside strays and my soft spot for needy, furry, stinky creatures!
I've traveled to a place or two and most recently my Chicana "academic migrant trail" led me to the Midwest, where I taught Chicana/o - Latina/0 studies, further broadening my views on Latina/o cultural identity politics. I've returned to San Antonio as an "independent scholar" (Ay, muy chingona!) and now reside in the cultural gem known as the Westside, which every single day nourishes my soul with pride, joy and a deep hope for a better tomorrow for our gente. It also provides me with much blog material.
I therefore consider this blog to be a gift to both me and you as it is productive outlet by which to purge my views, opinions and general rants stemming from that beloved curse of critical consciousness, with which I will always have a love/hate relationship.